Motorcycle and Hiking Travel Writingand now Fiction and Audio
My Bikes

1972 Moto Guzzi Eldorado
This 1972 Moto Guzzi Eldorado has been my main long distance bike since 2007. I bought it with 37,500 miles on the clock and this year (2019) it turned over 100,000 miles while I was on a trip to the Yukon. Recently refreshed with new cylinders and pistons and a rebuilt gearbox, she is ready for many more miles. There is something inexplicably wonderful about these bikes. In my opinion they are the ultimate usable classic.

1974 Moto Guzzi 750s (SOLD)
I bought this 1974 Moto Guzzi 750s in 2014 as a non-runner, quickly discovering that although it had sat unused for a long time, it wasn't going to take much to get it back on the road. It is smooth and powerful, and comfortable to ride as long as you have long arms and short legs - which I don't. Nevertheless, I have ridden it on some long trips and still been able to walk afterwards.

1976 Moto Guzzi Convert V1000 (Sold)
People often describe experience of riding the Convert as like being on a magic carpet. It truly is an odd yet engaging experience. Ignore the two-speed gearbox. Leave it in 'top' and let the Sachs torque converter whisk you from zero to cruising speed in a single, seamless flow of power. It's not the fastest bike on the road but it will hum along effortlessly all day in silky comfort. I bought this bike because I'd always been curious. I'm glad I did.

1986 Suzuki Cavalcade 1400
I bought this low mileage Cavalcade as our two-up bike for long trips. It's a heavy beast but moves along with smoothness and plenty of power. Despite it's thirty-four years, everything still works: the cruise control, radio, CB, communications, self-cancelling signals etc. etc.
Somewhat to my surprise, I've found I really enjoy riding it. It is far more engaging than I expected and in consequence, I have used it solo on a number of longish trips. Old tourers like this can be picked up for next to nothing, and if you're careful, you can get a 'like new' bike for a bargain price.

1960 Panther M120 (Sold)
When I was a teenager I had two Panther motorbikes. At the time these 600cc (M100) and 650cc (M120) single cylinder sloggers were available second-hand at give-away prices. They were usually found attached to colossal family sidecars and were the classic working-man's bike. As cheap, small cars like the BMC Mini became available, nobody wanted bikes like this anymore so they ended up in the indelicate hands of impoverished teenagers and students. Almost 50 years later I acquired this one from a friend. At the moment it has an 'over-oiling' problem which is keeping it off the road. I hope to get the issue resolved this winter so that I can have a few adventures on it in the spring. It is surprisingly lovely to ride. The handling is adequate, the brakes are acceptable, but the throb of that big, lazy, single cylinder is completely addictive.

2007 Moto Guzzi Breva 1100
This is the second 2007 Breva that I've owned. I sold the first one because, at that time I found I was riding my stable of old bikes a lot more. Things change, and I now find I'm interested in riding a more modern bike some of the time. As one of the last of the two-valve 'big block' engines, the Breva still has plenty of that 'old school' Guzzi charm, but with much improved levels of performance and modern fuel injection and electronics. I'm looking forward to some interesting travels together