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Canada is blessed with thousands of kilometres of empty roads which seem to wind on forever through forested hills and between still blue lakes. What better way to explore them than by riding 40 year old Italian motorbikes, famous for their dodgy electrics and sparse dealer network. 40 year old bikes, aged rider, thousands of kilometres of virtually unserviced empty roads in the middle of bear, wolf and blackfly infested wilderness - what could possibly go wrong?          view a  sample page 

from Reviews on Amazon:

"This is a good read. Any travel enthusiast will enjoy it, especially motorcycle travelers. The words are genuine and offered from the viewpoint of a fellow motorcycle enthusiast with a true love for the adventure of riding."


"This book shows you don't need a million dollar budget, a support truck and a thirty thousand dollar adventure bike. to tackle wild roads. Great stories of surviving with knowledge of an old bike, mechanical skills and courage to go alone for no reason other than the adventure."


Order direct from your regional Amazon.  106 pages  Paperback,   Kindle or Audiobook by  clicking this link:

Trans-Labrador Highway

St. Lawrence River North Shore

James Bay Road

Northern Ontario

Trans-Taiga Road.....and more........

Now also available as an audio book on Audible, Amazon and iTunes:

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